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Bites, rashes, allergies
We all need to scratch at times. A normal thing... Until the reason for the itching is a medical condition such as:

Pilates - strength training not...
This form of movement has been known since the 1920s, and began

Quick cleansing treatments
Quick cleansing treatments. Spring and summer are the times when our body needs cleansing after the winter. The days are getting warmer and the first fruit and vegetables encourage us to eat a lighter diet.

The problem of underweight
It is absolutely necessary to avoid highly processed products, as they only provide worthless calories.

A side effect of healthy eating...?
A side effect of healthy eating...?
Spring and summer time is the best time to do some tidying up. Not only in the garden, but also within ourselves.

Who doesn't love that moment when we take off our shoes after a day of running? How much pleasure does it bring to walk barefoot on the beach or on the grass?

Ensure beautiful and healthy abdominal muscles
Stretching of the rectus abdominis muscles is becoming increasingly common. This situation no longer only affects women who are pregnant or have given birth. Who should be examined for this?