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Lyme disease - what you need to know
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A friend of the enemy - Lyme disease

Justyna Ruminska Statistics show that the number of cases of Lyme disease is increasing every year. In 2016, the figure reached 21,220.There is an increase

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Full Rich

Lyme disease - a wide range of ailments

Problems with the digestive system began, with frequent abdominal pains and vomiting, but tests showed nothing. These symptoms were joined by heart palpitations and chest pains. I would like to mention that at the time I was an active dancer and went to dance tournaments, even of world rank. I finally went to see a cardiologist and, after having a Holter fitted, it turned out that I had paroxysmal supraventricular arrhythmia. My pulse at rest was jumping up to 190 beats per minute.

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Full Rich


In the case of Lyme disease, appropriate supplementation can definitely facilitate treatment, but also reduce the complaints and complications associated with the disease, which are often very extensive and indicate the presence of many additional conditions.

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Vitamin D - like good health
Full Rich

Vitamin D - like good health

High levels of vitamin D cause the production of proteins that have antibacterial and virucidal properties - in short, we are producing an antibiotic ourselves. Our immune system is able to cope with tuberculosis. 

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