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The role of sleep in the body
Health prevention
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Sleep Part I - The role of sleep in the body

Central to the whole process will be the diurnal rhythm, i.e. the diurnal cycle of changes regulating the process of growth and development, activity, sleep, nutrition. Adequate amounts of good quality sleep, among other things, will have a direct impact on an efficient brain and memory.

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Is cardio training worth doing?
Physical activity
Full Rich

Is cardio training worth doing?

It differs from strength training in that the heart rate is elevated and kept constant and strength training is characterised by producing spikes in heart rate, blood pressure

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Diabetes supplementation
Diseases of the 21st century
Full Rich


In the case of diabetes, adequate supplementation can definitely help to keep glycaemia at an appropriate level, and can also prevent diabetic complications caused by the accumulation of excess sugar in the body.

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Health prevention
Full Rich

Good sleep key to health

According to statistics 60% people do not get enough sleep on weekdays. Hoping to sleep off at the weekend. 40% adults do not get more than 6 hours of sleep, wanting to gain extra hours during the day.

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Lyme disease - a wide range of ailments

Problems with the digestive system began, with frequent abdominal pains and vomiting, but tests showed nothing. These symptoms were joined by heart palpitations and chest pains. I would like to mention that at the time I was an active dancer and went to dance tournaments, even of world rank. I finally went to see a cardiologist and, after having a Holter fitted, it turned out that I had paroxysmal supraventricular arrhythmia. My pulse at rest was jumping up to 190 beats per minute.

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It makes your hair stand on end
Health prevention
Full Rich

It makes your hair stand on end

If we cannot have a significant impact on hair growth from the outside, the idea of doing it from the inside immediately comes to mind. This is a good way to go. The quality of the blood with which we nourish our hair follicles is also of great importance. Michal Tombak claims that there is a connection between hair loss at the back of the head and meat consumption, and between excessive consumption of sweets and baldness at the front of the head.

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