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Apple cider vinegar - through the stomach to health
In folk medicine, it was used to improve digestion, colds and even for more beautiful hair and skin.
Herbal treats - how to give them to children
It is not easy, but there are some tricks and solutions that will make it easier for us to find our way in such a situation. So where to start?
Ensure beautiful and healthy abdominal muscles
Stretching of the rectus abdominis muscles is becoming increasingly common. This situation no longer only affects women who are pregnant or have given birth. Who should be examined for this?
Ringworm - myth or epidemic?
We do not realise that parasites, bacteria, viruses or the fungal overgrowth that progresses in our body can be one of the main causes of our ill health and, consequently, many diseases.
Bog - black gold
The humic acids contained in peat inhibit the breakdown of hyaluronic acid, which is of great importance for our joints and skin and for raising the pain threshold.
Light legs without varicose veins and spider veins
I started using DuoLife prophylactically - for a year now, my legs are light, I can handle the heat well and nothing hurts. Circulation is good.
By increasing physical capacity, nettle extract allows for more intensive, longer training, which accelerates the shedding of excess weight :).
Fats are one of the basic nutrients. They perform a number of important functions in the body, including enabling the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K; they are a component of cell membranes or hormones.
Quick cleansing treatments
Quick cleansing treatments. Spring and summer are the times when our body needs cleansing after the winter. The days are getting warmer and the first fruit and vegetables encourage us to eat a lighter diet.